The largest joint in your head, the temporomandibular joint, connects the lower jaw to the skull. The etiology of TMD, commonly known as TMJ, or temporomandibular joint dysfunction, is still unknown to specialists. They are aware that it exhibits a variety of unpleasant symptoms. These consist of:
The ability to nearly immediately resolve such unwanted difficulties is undoubtedly the most crucial feature of Tempe TMJ treatment. In fact, the procedure is rather straightforward. As your go-to dentist in Tempe, the experts can cure TMJ by making a unique mouthguard that you wear while you sleep.
The majority of TMJ sufferers discover that they clench and grind their teeth frequently during sleep. One of the key advantages of Tempe TMJ treatment is that it prevents this bruxism, which can exacerbate all of the symptoms and pain.
Headaches could have a variety of origins. TMJ is one of the least common causes of headaches, and doctors who are not trained to search for it frequently miss it. Because the underlying cause of your headaches is not addressed, people frequently receive headache treatment that is ineffective.
Therefore, it may be time to look into TMJ treatment if you're not seeing positive results from your existing headache therapies, including migraine medication.
The elimination of the danger of tooth damage, better eating and diet, better hearing and no more ringing in the ears, and an enhanced sense of well-being that results from better sleep and less discomfort and suffering are some additional advantages of TMJ treatment, according to the TMJ dentist.
The fact that TMJ can be the root cause of a wide range of other health problems is even more unexpected to the majority of the patients. TMJ is intimately linked to mental problems, chronic fatigue, digestive problems, and dizziness, and its treatment can frequently allay these worries.
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